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Quilts made by others

Here you can see photos of quilts that others have made from my patterns, or by attending classes.

Now there is also a special section with photos from my online Bargello Class.

I have also done some photo printing on fabric for others, and have also started a page where we can see some of their finished photo quilts.

Online Bargello class

Photo quilts

Click on the links below to see larger, or more, photos of the quilts.

Ginny Chung

.. has made this "Night and Day" variation.

Marianne Gutter

Marianne Gutter has also made the "In My Heart" quilt, with her own touch.

Claudia Welter

Ormen Lange bargello quilt hung from the long side
Ormen Lange bargello quilt

Sophie Smeenk

Ormen Lange bargello quilt with the pattern continuing outside the border

Kathryn Elford and Mary Rosenau

A special story

Uta Bensel and her class at the quilt retreat.

Karin Börjesson

Catherine Elliot from Arkansas posted photos of her version of the Kameleon quilt on her blog here.

Linda O'Keeffe
nine patch kamaleon

Yvon Leuw

Greetje Hein's version of Ormen Lange

Ester Bruvik
marianne gutter

Marianne Gutter
night and day made by greetje hein

Greetje Hein

Diane Magarelli

Helen Langer's quilt in patriotic colours.
See also the quillow she made using the flaps idea.
kari sorvik kameleon quilt started in class

On this page you can see some quilts which were started in class and finished later at home.
Veronas kameleon quilt 'Night and Day'

Verona from BC, Canada, made this colourful quilt. Click on the picture to see a larger photo of the quilt.

Julie in Idaho has finished her 'Night and Day' in the reverse colours. Go here to see the two side by side.

kameleon quilt in reverse colours

   Christine Bresso Kameleonquilt no 2    Christine Bresso from France made this version of Kameleon Quilt no 2.
Click on the picture to the left to see more photos of the quilt.

Grethe Lund from Ålesund, Norway has put her version of Kameleon Quilt no 1 up on her website. Look under Quilt in the menu on her site.

Bidwell C Drake from Houston, Texas, converted the Nine Patch Kameleon into a bed size quilt. Click on the picture to the right to see the quilt in full. nine patch kameleon made by Bidwell C Drake

kameleon quilt made by Julie in Idaho
Julie in Idaho had been quilting for only 6 months when she started making the version of the ''Night and Day'' quilt to the left.
Click on the picture to read her story about how she tackled this project.
Julie's quilt won 1st place viewer's choice for small quilts at Tug Hill Quilters Quilt Show in Lowville, New York in September 2004.

I sometimes wonder what it is about this quilt design that appeals so much to the husbands.
I keep getting feedback that this is the case, for example at a recent show where the white gloved ladies told me afterwards that with this quilt the accompanying husbands were the most eager to get the quilt photographed, checking with their wives:''Have you taken this one?'' ''Don't forget to photograph this one''
One can just wonder.

Lies Bos from the Netherlands made this beautiful Nine Patch Kameleon using her very own colour distribution. Click on the picture to see more variations of her quilt, and also visit her web site to see more quilts that she has made.

nine patch kameleon lies bos

'night and day' kameleon quilt by Karin Fristedt

This 'Night and Day' quilt was made by Karin Fristedt. Click on the picture to see this one closer up, and also and other quilts that she has made.

Nancy Chan won two first prizes with this version of 'Night and Day'. Click on the picture to have a closer look.

Linda Clark's 'Night and Day'-quilt. Click on the picture to have a closer look.

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